Monday, November 14, 2005

One less joke

Well, I've got to cross one joke off my list. The hostel is finally getting a younger clientele; It must have been a tour group or something. Either way, I'm no longer the baby of the place. I'm still in a minority though, since about every country is represented here, even Australia. That's how you can tell a travel destination is really world class. If they're going to pay the $2000 to get off their island, they're going to be damn sure it's worth it. Americans (the northern variety) travel more than anyone in the world, but we really don't know our ass from the Eiffel tower. That's to say is that Americans travel on reputation and buzz factor more than actual destination worthiness. My recommendation: go to Argentina!

Ok, I shouldn't wander, there's plenty to talk about today. I woke up early again to head out for a tour along the coast. It started out with a quick bus ride to the water to meet a whale watching boat. And let me tell you, Greenpeace was right, Willy's really got something going for him. We also saw sea lions, penguins, seals, and dolphins. I'd really love to show you a picture of the last group, but they're quick little suckers. They were swimming alongside our boat and jumping out of the water for a few entertaining minutes. Of course, most of these species are just a few Captain Ahabs away from extinction. I'm not going to go on a big diatribe, because I sure do love sushi, but the planet's oceans are in worse shape that its forests, so lets give them a break.

We spent the afternoon checking out another interesting ecosphere, but from the land. It was a unique beach formation that seals love to play on. I debated making up some bullshit about how they form, but I don't even know enough to make stuff up. Besides, I know a few marine biologists that might be reading this. I'd better just show some photos.

This is it, but I'm not sure what it's called. It sure is cool, though.

And another one.

(Technical difficulties on this one, sorry)

The obligatory whale one, although it was a bit harder to take one of these guys (actually girls, mother and daughter) because they kept moving. They really could have flipped our boat if they wanted.

This photo is of one of the largest, most beautiful specimens of its kind. And of a big fossil, too. Did anyone not see that coming?

I should have some good penguin ones tomorrow.

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