Monday, August 12, 2013

Moonrise Kingdom

This was going to be a good day. We were taking a boat from the small, idyllic island that we were camping on to a smaller, more idyllic island that we’d be camping on the next night.

It didn’t take long to pack up camp, and we headed down to the pier to grab some coffee and wait for the ferry to pull up.

The boat was piloted by another two very friendly Canadians. It was an easy 20 minute ride to Sidney Spit, and the place couldn’t have been any more perfect. The entire island was essentially just one big campground. It’s a completely under-appreciated gem, and it’s way off the beaten trail. I was beginning to forgive Google Maps, because I found this campsite the same way.

Most of the campers were locals who sailed their boats to the island for a quick over night.

I already loved this place, and it only went up from there.

As soon as we got off the boat, we saw a few luggage carts sitting out. How considerate, Canadian National Parks System.

Aimee was a fan.

You can see the trail in the photo above that led from the pier to the campsite. The trail opens up to another beach in the middle of the island with several marked campsites.

We dropped off our stuff and got back on the trail. The entire island was only a few miles across, and we wanted to explore the whole thing.

The island was paradise. It was like summer camp for grown ups.

We headed back to the campsite to get started on dinner. It did not include any fish.

I blamed these guys for scaring off dinner.

We watched the sun set behind an abandoned pier, and we wondered how much houses went for in the area.