Friday, August 26, 2005

It's been a while

Hi everybody,

As I mentioned last post, I was going to rant for a bit how indigenous
communities like the Guarani in Northwest Argentina need our money and
our sympathy a whole lot less than they need us to stop messing up
their land, but I'm not in the mood, anymore. Besides, you didn't
really want to hear that anyway; you want goofy haircuts and poop jokes, of which I have plenty.

Aside from being in too good of a mood for a "Save the (insert cause
here)" speech, I don't really have much of a direction for this post.
I've just found myself in an internet cafe with plenty of free time.
Shocking, huh? The guy in the booth next to me is smoking, which is
really no surprise in this country. (Well, it looks like you are
going to get a rant, sorry.) I have so few complaints about this
country, but one of them is that everyone smokes a whole lot. Even my
doctor/host dad smokes--talk about culture shock! Outside it's
no big deal, but in restaurants and cafés in can get anoying. They
even allow smoking in discos, where you're already shoulder to
shoulder with everybody else. At last count it was:

Myles's arms: 0
The business end of a lit cigarrette: 8,072 (or so)

Alright, I'm in one of the most amazing cities in the world, and I'm
sitting in an internet café. That's no good. I've got to get out of
here, but I'll talk to you all soon.


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