Sunday, June 25, 2006

The greatest day of my life

That's it, I'm hooked.

So, for all the gentiles out there, the day of rest is serious business for the Jews. It starts at sundown on Friday, followed by a meal that could only be described as fit for a king. A really fat king. We're talking double-digit courses, huge quantities and homemade deserts.

I spent the evening with a local family, who offered me room and board for the weekend. We spent Friday evening after the meal talking and relaxing; writing, physical stress and making plans are prohibited. I could get used to this.

I woke up the next day (way into the next day) to find a giant tray of amazing pastries waiting for me. After slowly getting ready, I went to another family's house for a lunch that was just as big as the last night's dinner. This was followed by an equally huge third meal, and an evening walk through the neighborhood. I'm still full.

It's Sunday today--the start of the work week--so we're back in our routine, but I'm already counting down to next Friday. Resting this hard takes preparation.

Talk to you soon,

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